
  • Looking for Lille

    In my quest to photograph as many ghost towns as I can find, I kept coming across notes about a little gem called Lille, Alberta. Things looked great for Lille when it was first established in 1901. Within a few years, there were about 20 residences on the townsite, along with all the amenities like a hotel, doctor’s office, and a school. The coal mining industry in the area led to the construction of an expansive system of coke ovens, specially made in Belgium. Each brick was stamped with a unique number, shipped, and the ovens were reconstructed brick-by-brick in Lille sometime in 1903-1904.

  • The End of Solo Travel

    As I’m about to leave Bulgaria and head back home, I have something to confess: I’m done with solo travel. It’s not that it hasn’t been fun or that I haven’t learned a lot from it, it’s just that it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. If you spend any time reading some of the popular travel blogs, you’ll find articles about how solo travel is great and that really, it’s the only way to travel. Many of these articles will tell you you’re missing out on a new culture by going with a friend, since you don’t get to completely immerse yourself in a culture.